tisdag 11 september 2012

Well yeah..

Gick ingeom min BDB och såg att första gången jag tog mitt seme/uke test blev jag Innocent uke sen Romatic seme så nu har jag helt enkelt gått tillbaka till att vara uke xD Jag antar att jag helt inte kan välja. Fick också en massa flashbacks och minnen från att gå igenom min BDB, I miss so many people.

.... ....  Om my godess, for *beep* sake.. Gjorde ett till test ----> This one <---- An I became SUPA UKE!... Myes the most uke of them all... I am just uke in the moment...

SUPA UKE!You are -100% seme! 

                                 Image hosted by Photobucket.com

You are cute, loveable and huggable, everything a seme would ever want! You either have very mediocre skills/powers or have no skills at all. But that doesn't matter, You exist only for your seme's pleasure. And if you are lucky, you will be protected for the rest of your life! I wish you luck my little one.. for you are doommmedd doooomed for eternaty.

Most compatible with: Any seme actually!

Buääh TT^TT

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